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Saturday, December 4, 2010

UN-Habitat and Municipal Council of Kisumu Inventive Project

A few months ago UN-Habitat and MCK called from proposals from all the wards within the council aimed at improving livelihoods through urban agriculture while mainstreaming HIV-AIDS and Solid Waste Management. On 23rd November there was official launch of the project at Kisumu Social Hall which saw the announcement and receipts of the checks for the successful groups. In every ward, a qualified youth group and a women group had to be awarded a sum of 100,000 Kenya Shillings for either urban agriculture or solid waste management project.

Copy of a check given to Soul Brothers, 14 groups benefited from the UN-Habitat, MCK Projct
The in attendance was the DC, Councils Officials and UN Habitat Representatives and the beneficiaries. Key part of the project was at proposal evaluation and carding which was articulated by the HIV AIDS Desk of the MCK. To confirm the transparent nature of the vetting process, Soul Brothers youth group confirmed they did not know anyone or used any external influence, as the case of many such undertakings, to succeed. On contrary, they quoted obstacles they had faced at the ward level headship. They further said they would exert proper efforts to ensure their project prospers and if possible becomes model project.

The groups had undergone trainings on project management and administration organized by the MCK and UN-Habit and therefore they have no excuse when they do not qualify for the next phase funding due to project assesment failure. Youth projects especially those on peace should also have strategy that empowers youth economically as they get engaged in production for nation building. This is for a working a nation.

Bagdad Boys Movement

Mid last month, a transformation success was all over the print media on Bagdad, staid militia group stemmed from the early 1990s events, operational in Kisumu and its environs. Coincidentally, during the same time I had been exploring the engagement and transformation process of the same group, which was because of government gazzetment of the illegal militia groups in Kenya. The final report will be out before the end of the month.

Conversely I need to put a few items in perspective. The true founders of Bagdad movement have passed on leaving behind only three from the sixteen. The ballpark age of the founders is above thirty-five.  Initially, the Bagdad Boys movement was equivocal, a youth led and founded, justice-seeking and youth rights pursuing association. The group found its name from the Persian Gulf War, early August 1990 against Iraq. The group was founded on principles of unity against Moi’s dictatorial hardnosed, regime which had in the earlier months of the year, been accused of having hand in the murder of the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Ouko.

The group uncontained dynamics led to disintegration of the group in following years which saw the rise of smaller but more disastrous sub militia gangs with examples of Coptic, Kosovo Boys and recently Darfur Boys in 2007.

The recent article on print media has been miscued on the transformational process since it failed to recognize the vital fragmentation the original Bagdad has gone through in the approximately two decades. Little byline have likewise been given to institutions and personalities  that started working for the transformation of the original Bagdad Boys like the NCCK, CJPC, DIAKONIA Sweeden, one time Nyanza Provincial Commissioner, amongst others. To get a copy of the final report on Bagdad Boys operations and current status, please get in touch. 

Joseph Owuondo

Youth Leadership, Youth Conflict

Kenya is experiencing a cramp-puzzling-dilemma moment. Allow me to elucidate. There is absolute requisition of having new breed of leaders in our country. This is due from the fact that preceding governments and leadership have failed to meet the aspirations and needs of the citizens. The citizens want services not unproductive politics observed. We all agree. Recently though, there has been an examination on the reliability of youth to deliver the far desired noble leadership.

A lot of resources are being injected to youth projects and leadership preparations. Foreign governments especially the US have had a grander finger in this. This is a fact which has raised a number of trepidations. There have been consternations from the government quarters about the interest of the US Ambassador to Kenya and his control on claims that he his financing a Youth Revolt against the present regime.

Whether this is accurate or fabricated, one argument is valid. Who benefits from the US funds meant for the youth projects? There are undercurrents, nippily raging amongst the youth who have started questioning the credibility and sincerity of the already self-fronting youth revolutionary leaders. The youth displeasures are mounting and the self-styled youth leaders ought to know this. Today, this click of youth can be seen around US Ambassador in his public forums and in press conferences articulating issues and giving deliberations on behalf of the Kenyan Youth. The vilest comes when this group of young people call themselves professionals and elites. The carpenter or mechanic is a proficient professional in his or her own right since he or she is taking an active part in nation building. The groupings emerging in Kenya are thus early warnings enough to draw early response.

Finally, it must be acknowledged by Kenyans that this is our country, our territory and we therefore have a responsibility above everyone to protect and respect every part of it. Every Kenyan must understand the concept of sovereignty, the fundumental freedom, indispensable rights and duties given to us by the constitution. We must avoid fighting one another but combine our arsenals to fight internal and external evasions and colonization of our minds. This can only be achieved when our governance and leadership is not based on age, economic influence, tribe, level of education but ability to deliver, organize, pass credulity standards, and work for the people.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Kisumu Town East MP’s Unique Peace Initiative

It is seldom to find peace initiatives facilitated especially by members of parliament specifically targeting the youth. Most politicians have always manipulated the youth as hecklers and agents of confrontation during elections. MP of Kisumu Town East, Hon Shakil Shabir has outshined most members of parliaments by devoting and investing support to Kisumu youth across the neighbouring consituencies.

The MP has financed various youth projects targeting the violence hotspot areas like Kondele, Manyatta and Nyalenda. The projects are mainly income generating, environmental conservation and social welfares. The MP has acquired ECOSAN toilets for the youth groups who are engaged in ecological sanitation. Tivoli Youth Trust has been given six toilets, which are to be used health facilities in Nyaleda Slums. Tivoli is a reformed group of youth, who were part of the outlawed BAGDAD Boys. They have economic activities, which they are engaged thus have productively engaged.

Mr. Shabir has also provided computers to youth and women groups in line of information and communication technological advancement. Members of such groups are training for computer literacy. They are connecting to the rest of the world through internet at the same time they have access to peacebuilding and development information, which are the core component of nationalism.

The only Asian MP in the country has guaranteed more peace stabilizing undertakings in the Greater Kisumu Constituencies especilially with the youth and women. The Member of Parliament is always available on the weekends though Mondays and fascinatingly he is the only MP who has managed to stay closest not only to his consitituents but to neighbouring constituents as well.

Some of Tivoli Youth members have benefited from the Partners for Peace Projec of the EU and KONRAD courtesy of CIAG-Kenya.

Devolved Governments, Devolved Conflicts

From tears and blood, a new consitution for the Kenyan people dream is a reality. The long fought for guiding standard is however posing various challenges to both citizens and legislators. First, implementation time specification in relation to particular chapters, though fastening, has a legislative risk. The Kenyan lawmakers have not changed to conform to the new structure. They are unmoved from the concept of state as a corporate entity. This is evident from new political alienations that persist in the current political domain. The citizens through civic education and media edification are conversely close tracking the developments. There is a definate rift, between citizens and legislators. This conflict though silent is causing a still intimidation between the two factions and this will front a violent movement if not addressed accordingly and in time.

Secondly, the devolution concept is considered a liberation ground for majority of citizens. The proposed model endeavors to bring resources and essential services close to the people. The design recognizes the people’s diversities, rights, and interest and most importantly grants the citizens within a county the power to govern themselves.

The environment for practical implementation of chapter eleven of the new document remains a critical concern. The reservations are on aptitude and credentials of the governor hopefuls already lined for election. General elections are several months away, interestingly the country is on campaign mood. Politicians are realigning and position themselves for strategic positions created for by the new constitution. The test is upon the voters who must make informed choices. The voters must ensure that the elected leaders are of the highest integrity and credibility. The governor however must have exceptional leadership and managerial skills. They must be able to mobilize resources externally for their counties, ensure proper management of the billions from the national budget and plan for their counties adequately. From the social audits conducted on utility of devolved funds in Kenya, none of the politicians, again fronting for political leadership has shown fairness and transparency in the management.

Finaly, the conflict between Kisumu Municipal Council and The Matatu Operators was again observed. The operators downed their tools and protested against operatonal stickers 100% fee hyke. The raise blew the operators who questioned the deteroriating condition of the city roads. Their rationale was on depletions that had led to increased cost of maintance from vehicles tears and wears.

Public utilities tendering and procurement processess in this country have been dogged by favouritism, cronism, and lack of preffesionalism. The citizens are aware of this and conflict is brewing. It is high time those in power did everything right, lest the axes of the citizens fall upon them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tivoli Youth Group

Kisumu Town East MP’s Unique Peace Initiative

It is seldom to find peace initiatives facilitated especially by members of parliament specifically targeting the youth. Most politicians have always manipulated the youth as hecklers and agents of confrontation during elections. MP of Kisumu Town East, Hon Shakil Shabir has outshined most members of parliaments by devoting and investing support to Kisumu youth across the neighbouring consituencies.

The MP has financed various youth projects targeting the violence hotspot areas like Kondele, Manyatta and Nyalenda. The projects are mainly income generating, environmental conservation and social welfares. The MP has acquired ECOSAN toilets for the youth groups who are engaged in ecological sanitation. Tivoli Youth Trust has been given six toilets, which are to be used health facilities in Nyaleda Slums. Tivoli is a reformed group of youth, who were part of the outlawed BAGDAD Boys. They have economic activities, which they are engaged thus have productively engaged.

Mr. Shabir has also provided computers to youth and women groups in line of information and communication technological advancement. Members of such groups are training for computer literacy. They are connecting to the rest of the world through internet at the same time they have access to peacebuilding and development information, which are the core component of nationalism.

The only Asian MP in the country has guaranteed more peace stabilizing undertakings in the Greater Kisumu Constituencies especilially with the youth and women. The Member of Parliament is always available on the weekends though Mondays and fascinatingly he is the only MP who has managed to stay closest not only to his consitituents but to neighbouring constituents as well.

Some of Tivoli Youth members have benefited from the Partners for Peace Projec of the EU and KONRAD courtesy of CIAG-Kenya.

Joseph Owuondo

Kenya, Development and Politics

Devolved Governments, Devolved Conflicts

From tears and blood, a new consitution for the Kenyan people dream is a reality. The long fought for guiding standard is however posing various challenges to both citizens and legislators. First, implementation time specification in relation to particular chapters, though fastening, has a legislative risk. The Kenyan lawmakers have not changed to conform to the new structure. They are unmoved from the concept of state as a corporate entity. This is evident from new political alienations that persist in the current political domain. The citizens through civic education and media edification are conversely close tracking the developments. There is a definate rift, between citizens and legislators. This conflict though silent is causing a still intimidation between the two factions and this will front a violent movement if not addressed accordingly and in time.

Secondly, the devolution concept is considered a liberation ground for majority of citizens. The proposed model endeavors to bring resources and essential services close to the people. The design recognizes the people’s diversities, rights, and interest and most importantly grants the citizens within a county the power to govern themselves.

The environment for practical implementation of chapter eleven of the new document remains a critical concern. The reservations are on aptitude and credentials of the governor hopefuls already lined for election. General elections are several months away, interestingly the country is on campaign mood. Politicians are realigning and position themselves for strategic positions created for by the new constitution. The test is upon the voters who must make informed choices. The voters must ensure that the elected leaders are of the highest integrity and credibility. The governor however must have exceptional leadership and managerial skills. They must be able to mobilize resources externally for their counties, ensure proper management of the billions from the national budget and plan for their counties adequately. From the social audits conducted on utility of devolved funds in Kenya, none of the politicians, again fronting for political leadership has shown fairness and transparency in the management.

Finaly, the conflict between Kisumu Municipal Council and The Matatu Operators was again observed. The operators downed their tools and protested against operatonal stickers 100% fee hyke. The raise blew the operators who questioned the deteroriating condition of the city roads. Their rationale was on depletions that had led to increased cost of maintance from vehicles tears and wears.

Public utilities tendering and procurement processess in this country have been dogged by favouritism, cronism, and lack of preffesionalism. The citizens are aware of this and conflict is brewing. It is high time those in power did everything right, lest the axes of the citizens fall upon them.

Joseph Owuondo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Invisible Engagement

Sometimes, and many are those times do is sit and reflect on those things that would build on peace, solve conflicts and construct new relationships. Then i look at my neighborhood.

I live in a small poor urban settlement in Kisumu town; actually I live in Manyatta (a Swahili term for slum or informal settlement). And if you would let me, I will describe the life here.

Most families live compose of six to eight members. They would often live in small single or two roomed shelters; mostly they live in single rooms. I live in a solitary room as well and am complaining. In such shelters, only the farther has some kind of work, habitually informal, they either work as unskilled industrial labourers or ‘shamba’ garden boys mostly on the Indians and wealthy African icons. They offer long hours labour with low pay. The conditions are unfavourable and they are unable to satisfactorily fend and sustain their families.

The women, mothers of the innocent children sit at home, taking care of the children, cleaning their small shelters, fetching water and wasting the rest of the free times maybe chatting or dreaming of better future. They can’t dress pleasantly due to lack of resources, they feed but it’s not adequate and sometimes, many at times, the women would engage in commercial sex just to raise some money feed, clothe and take care of their children but still, this is not enough. I have not forgotten how risky this must be especially when I look at the young HIV/Aids orphans.

Then there are the children, the innocent creatures, and the world. Those whose parents are hopeful would send then to school but still the school requiem’s fees and other facilities are not ample to meet educational needs of these children. The other group of children would stay at home play by the stagnant sewage waters, trashes and dangerous soils. Quite often they get injuries, which lead to loss of blood, infections and even death.

When the poor urban children grow up reality of life dawns on them; the inability to create employment for themselves, lack of jobs and practically class designation meets them frontally. It is then that the desperations, frustrations and confrontations shape the toll.

The energy giants, yet economic dwarfs- the youth are left to nothing better than abuse of drugs, irresponsible sexual behaviours, crime and related issues. This marks the globular phase, the life cycle and relationship between poverty and security.

For stable peace, fairness in terms of resource distribution, equal opportunities for all, relevant education and its access, sound policies to address plights of the poor, sustainable development programmes, enhancement of peoples especially the youth talents, good governance and leadership MUST be guaranteed.

Until then, sustainable peace….beyond borders will be just a dream. For all the background perception that the rich and powerful “eateth” the poor is far falling………however invisible it may be or have been, the people have discerned. Onwards

Monday, August 9, 2010

Kenya’s Armageddon

………….in their eyes were witnessed the sacred hopes. Kenyans were going into polls either to pass or reject the proposed new constitution. It was evident, their spirits were heighted. The reverie for the new dawn of the nation was neigh.

The women old and young streamed in the wee times of the day to prompt their casts, lest they be locked out by their home binding tasks. The old men “wazees” passed by the traditional brews dens to quench their anticipated protracted thirst. The day was to be longest in the history of the Kenyans living live, living dead and friends and foes. The youth stood out to embrace the day’s challenge, they didn’t psyche the fashion, and they were united beyond their tribal and ethnic borders.

The freedom fighters animate and departed must have enjoined the fortitude, the labour and pains they underwent before the ruthless colonists and after during the neo colonialism was fast paying. This was the 4th August 2010. The day the new constitution for Kenya was under water and fire, only the brawny would see the light of the day. Mixed reactions and observations could be noted from the actions and faces of the people. One thing was trussing through, Kenyan were expecting a new born “a savior” document which would turn life round and more reasonably to the brighter side.

In the sunup of 5th August 2010, the Kenyans made known their verdict. More than half of ten million people had voted pro the constitution. Their voices were loud enough, shrilling sufficiently to within and a cross borders. They had voted all in one voice- they wanted change.

On interview with various media entities, the citizens highlighted their weighty sought changes and expectations: governance and leadership style, accountability on public resources, fairness in distribution, job creation, proper health care, effective and timely justice, proactive and reasonable laws and parameters, are far mentioned areas of redress.

Days passed…………….

…..……and Kenyans nurtured sense of edgy. The changes were not forth coming, their hearts broke, their dreams shuttered, visions blurred. There were entire snivels amongst the Kenyan people, their desperations were equally felt. There optimism had been trashed, their beliefs betrayed and suddenly…….then suddenly…..

There was eruption; the people had been pushed to the rolling snitch grounds. Then lawlessness, the quest for justice begun…..there were tribe violence’s, then class conflicts, leaders man hunt followed, there killings, and innocent blood flowed the rivers……then rapidly there was a storm, a revolution…..Armageddon, the rebirth of a new state Kenya

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The Kenyan New Story
The Partnership for Peace Project, CSO’s Training Programme is coming to a closure. There has been several trainings across the three provinces: Nyanza, Rift Valley and Western.
I had the privilege of attending all the Nyanza’s training courtesy of CIAG-Kenya, an implementing organization in the province. The trainings sessions were well coordinated and conducted with practical and implantable concepts for the 40 plus CSOs in the province. The methods of trainings have been instrumental in building the strengths of individuals and their respective organizations on basics, essentials, do’s and don’ts in peace building and conflict resolution processes.
I have been particularly overwhelmed by the cultural exchanges and celebrations sessions which have perfectly presented the peace processes and mitigations focusing on traditions and cultural methods. All African traditional celebrations and performances have captured numerous aspects of peace in relation not only to development but to entertainment and integration as well.  As a young person living in province of multiethnic outlook, where stereotyping and negative ethnicities have dominated, this facet of entertainment, theater and drama in peace building processes have been very striking.  The experience has been extremely valuable to every participant (as observed) and I hope it will go a long way to prevention and resolution of conflicts in areas affected by the post election violence.
The training courses have been facilitated with dear, most knowledgeable people I have ever met. Babu Ayindo and David Steele have kept the spirit going. In all of the occasions, these first-rated consultants have gone further to personalize their life experiences, their journeys and challenges in the peace work. The trainees would many at time ask much mush these two people had done in this area of peace work internationally. They have not failed to showcase their privilege to have been trained by these peace people.  
I need however revisit the title of this passage “The Kenyan New Story”
It is discreet that I refer to a few speeches which to me are reflections of the new stories. Ronald Wilson Regan came out to speak about “A Time for Choosing” during one of his campaigns forums. He talked about peace and prosperity, the freedom and relationship between his countrymen, cross neighbor relationship and finances. This was a new story for his people at that time. Malcolm X spoke about “The Ballot or the Bullet”. His new story managed to change the beliefs and the views of his followers and created a new history for his country. “I have a Dream” story has lived with the world for tens of years. Obama gave his people the spirit to carry on by amplifying the new story “yes we can” and yes he did it.
In the context of reframing our identity, it is imperative that all citizens define their own new story. The new concept should aim at uniting our various differences into commonalities, which we can all forge together towards. The new story should be able to inspire the people, across tribes all alike, unite them in their diversities and uniqueness. And as Chris, The Project Coordinator CIAK-Kenya puts it, we may never agree on opinions, or views or characters or principles, but there is always that one thing that amalgamates us – the social responsibility, the struggle for liberation and freedom of the common person. The commons Liberation and Freedom- Can this be the New Story for Kenya?


The efforts from majority of Kenyans and their Development partners towards peace building, peaceful coexistence, resolutions and sustenance, continues to be witnessed. Basically I would like to spot out local initiatives that have been emerging in Nyanza Province, especially at the volatile Kisumu environs.
Provincial Administration through their Districts, Divisions, locations and sub locations is traversing its areas of jurisdiction and even borders with peace message. Kisumu East District, Peace Committee has conducted a number of peace forums with the most recent one on 14 July 2010. This twin occasion was graced by the PC Nyanza who also acknowledged the   contributions of local personalities to development and community service. The PC and his team congratulated the District Peace Committee for the work they have been doing on peace and development

Development Partners are doing laudable exertion for peace in the region. Members of the Kisumu District Peace Committee are trained on Peace Making and Reconciliation Processes. They have expertise courtesy of Partnership for European Union Peace Project that is being conceded in the Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza Provinces. CIAG-Kenya which is the implementing organization for the project in Nyanza, which is also the representative of Civil Societies in the Peace Committee, has managed to endow the committee members with relevant information on peace work. This relationship is hoped to go along way.
The Link Newspaper, a monthly Governance publication has not only informed the public on development issues but has been instrumental in disseminating the peace information throughout the country. Various peace and development partners have recognized the wealth of information The Link is providing to the community. This national information tool is being used by EU to further and promote peace factor for the country.

Finally, we must keep the spirit of peace alive. With each individual’s effort towards sustainable peace, our country can be one again. Our people can live peacefully and harmoniously from hereto thereafter, if each one of us will do something about peace.
 Joseph Owuondo